Toward an Integrated Plan for Digital Preservation and Access to Primary Anthropological Data (AnthroDataDPA: A Four-Field Workshop)[1]
May 18-20, 2009, Hilton-Arlington, Arlington, VA
Carol R. Ember, PI Eric Delson, PI Jeff Good, PI Dean R. Snow, PI Jeanne Altmann Jeffrey H.Altschul Helen Aristar-Dry Theodore C. Bestor Douglas A. Black Jeffrey T. Clark Lisa Conathan Michael Fischer David Gewirtz David R. Hunt |
Eric C. Kansa Keith Kintigh Timothy A. Kohler Robert Leopold Tom Moritz Daniel Reboussin Richard J. Sherwood Joel Sherzer David Glenn Smith Matthew W. Tocheri Robert V. Kemper Laura Welcher Peter Wittenburg |
Anthony Aristar
Andrew Bennett
Colin Elman
Mark Mahoney
M. Marlene Martin
Observers from the Local Area
From NSF:
Anna Kerttula, Arctic Social Sciences Program, Program Officer
Terry Langendoen, Information & Intelligent Systems, Expert
Joan Maling, Linguistics, Program Director
Elizabeth Tran, Human and Social Dynamics
Jean Turnquist , Physical Anthropology, Program Director
Mark L. Weiss, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Division Director
Deborah Winslow, Cultural Anthropology, Program Director
John Yellen, Archaeology and Archometry, Program Director
Christopher Greer, Senior Advisor for Digital Data, Office of Cyberinfrastructure
David Lightfoot, Assistant Director of the National Science Foundation, SBE Head
From NEH:
Helen C. Agüera, Senior Program Officer, Division of Preservation and Access
Jennifer Serventi, Office of Digital Humanities
[1] Supported by the National Science Foundation (BCS-0823404) and the Wenner-Gren Foundation in a grant to the Human Relations Area Files. The cultural anthropology, arctic social sciences, physical anthropology, archaeology, and political science programs were co-funders of NSF’s contribution to this workshop.